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2024-03-13 Conda Community Meeting

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Various parts of the conda community gather on a regular basis. This meeting brings together all of these sub-communities for a community wide call.


NameInitialsAffiliationGH Username
Wolf VollprechtWVprefix.devwolfv
Cheng H. LeeCHLAnaconda/cfchenghlee
Daniel HolthDHAnacondadholth
Jaime Rodríguez-GuerraJRGQuansight/cfjaimergp
Marcel BargullMBBioconda/cfmbargull
Nichita MorcotiloNMprefix.devnichmor
Klaus ZimmermannKZQuansightzklaus

X people in total


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New Agenda Items

  • DH: Implement base_url CEP in conda - does repodata.json need to support same authentication as packages? (sending all your client tokens to base_url's server if someone changes repodata.json?)

    • rattler: using (OS) keychain and JSON file to specify per-host auth methods
    • (JRG) should we separate authentication CEP? (Yes)
      • Current auth mechanisms assume channel and hosts are equivalent; such assumptions now being challenged by base_url and mirror support
      • Cheng and/or Travis will draft the CEP.
  • (@carterbox) Make multi-output recipes easier to divide with better file name pattern matching

  • JRG: Echoing HV's comments about conda-build's stdlib() efforts in

  • DH remove redundant subdir/arch/ fields from individual repodata package records

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  • JRG: Serving the minutes in

  • WV: rattler-build TUI

  • WV: pixi mirror configuration