2021-10-27 Conda Community Meeting
Name | Initials | Affiliation | GH Username |
Cheng H. Lee | CHL | Anaconda/CF | @chenghlee |
Filipe Fernandes | FF | CF | @ocefpaf |
Marius van Niekerk | MvN | Voltron Data | @mariusvniekerk |
John Kirkham | JK. | NVIDIA | @jakirkham |
Standing Items
- Conda Community website mockups
- Outreach to invite more organizations to join this meeting
New Agenda Items
[CHL] Update on mamba/libsolv integration
- As of Monday, down to ~5 failing tests
- We should probably re-visit the solver behavior, especially assumptions and implicit constraints
- mamba implemented
for down-weighting track_features
only ever used in Anaconda'sfree
channel- https://www.anaconda.com/blog/understanding-and-improving-condas-performance:
Prioritize solutions that minimize the number of “track_features” entries in the environment. Track_features are legacy metadata once used for lining up mkl and debug packages. They are deprecated in general, but are still sometimes used to effectively implement a default variant of a package by “weighing down” alternatives with track_features.
- [CHL] okay with mamba never implementing
(already deprecated)
- mamba implemented
- libsolv: provides, recommends; optional deps; deps based on os; pip extras
- https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/10983
Proposed enhancements:
- [MvN,FF]: proposing a formal conda-lock spec
- Possibly move environment history file to JSON- or YAML-format
- New recipe format (boa)
[FF] pip build-in tree
- https://github.com/conda/conda-build/pull/4294 -> pip upstream not going solve it
- conda-build breaks with pytoml, poetry, etc.
- E.g., https://github.com/conda-forge/staged-recipes/pull/16643/files
- work around:
- work around:
CEP-8: draft implementation being worked on