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2021-03-03 Conda Community Meeting


Cheng H. LeeCHLAnaconda@chenghlee


  • Welcome


  • Anaconda: Organizational-level CLA
    • Anaconda legal has clarified CLA language to cover both individuals and organizations.
    • Currently working with Anaconda IT to update links and PDF e-form.

Standing Items

New Agenda Items

  • conda: working on new conda messaging feature
    • Allow packagers to include a file that will display a message before installating package into an environment. (Similar to what some maintainers do with pre-link scripts but without executable code)
    • Use cases: EULA, deprecation additional installation instructions, etc.
    • Funded by NumFOCUS small grant
    • Will sync with mamba team to make sure they support that feature
  • conda-forge:
    • Outreachy to update documentation on bot
    • Google season of docs (staged-recipes, recipes); would like someone from Anaconda to review
  • micromamba:
    • virtual packages (nvidia-smi rather loading the DSO)
    • config file loading
  • Bundling/vendoring of dependencies
  • Name squatting attacks against PyPI
    • Impacted CuPy
    • Will need to hold on to conda, conda-build names, even if we remove the associated packages
    • How do we protect conda ecosystem? (more unique identifiers; namespace separation)
  • Source trustworthiness
    • Watching for curl, wget, other network access
    • Does conda-build have the ability to just fetch sources?
      • (CHL) if not, would be a nice feature to have
    • (Allow us to perform actual build on isolated systems)

Outstanding Items From the Previous Meeting

Active Votes

Subteam Updates

Open PRs


Action items

  • (CHL) Getting conda community

Last meeting points (2020-01-26)

  • Updated meeting date & time